Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Earth Speeds Up Its Rotation, Soon It Will Jerk Like a Ball
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 12.08.2022
Beloved children, you have come to the end of an old time, the new is to open to God's children.
Jesus and Mary bless, bestow graces, many awaken but others continue to sleep wrapped in blindness. Satan has worked well for my children to sleep.
Man strives for his own earthly interests but does not think about saving his soul.
My beloved children, it is your heavenly Mother who speaks to you, do not stay away from the Truth. "Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart" I want to take you all to Me, ... I want to save you, My beloved ones.
Great turmoil is coming! The world is completely in shambles.
The fierce war will bring this Humanity to its knees.
Urgently return to your Creator God, quickly remedy your sins, there is no more time for the things of the world.
Return to Jesus, take refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ask Him forgiveness for having offended Him infinitely.
Do not be insensitive to this call of Mine for salvation: ... your conversion is urgent!
Earth speeds up its rotation,
soon it will jerk like a ball.
Beloved children, I wish you to understand what I am telling you, ... this is not a joke: convert!!!
God will help His children, He will save them from the great catastrophe.
You are about to know the Truth O men! Be ready! Amen.
Source: ➥